Mishler Teaching:
IB 24: “The Darwinian Revolution” (a freshman seminar); taught each spring.
IB/ESPM 105: “Natural History Museums and Biodiversity Science” (with Prof. R. Gillespie). An undergraduate class covering all aspects of natural history museums and herbaria, including curation, data management, and research applications of specimens and their metadata; taught each fall.
IB 158 / ESPM 107: “Biology and Geomorphology of Tropical Islands” (with Profs. J. Stillman, S. Carlson, and others). An intensive undergraduate field research class in tropical biology and geology meeting every day of the week for a few weeks on campus, then moving to the UC Berkeley Gump Research Station on Moorea in French Polynesia for over two months; taught each fall. http://ib.berkeley.edu/moorea/index.html
IB/ESPM 200: “Principles of Phylogenetics” (with Profs. D. Ackerly and K. Will).
A general and rigorous introduction to theory and method of building and using phylogenetic trees, for graduate students and advanced undergrads, including a laboratory component on computational methods. The course focuses on general topics in phylogenetics such as character evolution, macroevolution, biogeography, and coevolution, rather than on specific taxonomic groups; taught spring of even numbered years. http://ib.berkeley.edu/courses/ib200/index.html